Bengaluru Traffic Advisory: Police issues slow traffic warning in several areas due to road development work
Bengaluru Traffic Police issued advisories regarding slow traffic due to metro work at Outer Ring Road Salem Railway Bridge, BBMP road widening at Panathur Railway Bridge, and civil work at Doddanekundi village. Commuters from Mahadevpur to Marath...

The police said that traffic from Mahadevpur towards Marathahalli and from Marathahalli towards Mahadevpur will be slow. Regular commuters were advised to cooperate with police and plan their travel accordingly.
The police also issued an advisory due to the ongoing BBMP road widening work at Panathur Railway Bridge S Cross, saying the traffic will move slow. “We kindly ask commuters to co-operate and plan accordingly. Thank you,” police said in the advisory.
The police said due to the ongoing civil work at Doddanekundi village (Kodandarama Temple Road), traffic movement is very slow, requesting commuters to avoid the route and use alternative roads.
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