ULFA-independent warns against 'Bihar Diwas' event in Assam's tinsukia
The ULFA-Independent has demanded the cancellation of the 'Bihar Diwas' event in Tinsukia, Assam, terming it an intrusion on indigenous culture. They have threatened serious consequences if the event proceeds. Opposition party Raijor Dal supports ...

The outfit has threatened dire consequences if the event is not cancelled. In a statement, the Paresh Baruah-led outfit said that preparations were being made to celebrate 'Bihar Diwas' in Tinsukia under the patronage of a few people, including BJP MLAs Suren Phukan and Sanjoy Kishan. "This is an attack on the culture, heritage and pride of the indigenous people," the ULFA said in a statement.
Opposition party Raijor Dal also opposed the event and said that it was linked to BJP's vote-bank politics. "There is no meaning in celebrating Bihar Diwas in Assam. We have not seen Bihar celebrating Assam Diwas," Raijor Dal chief and MLA Akhil Gogoi said.
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