India's G20 theme of 'One Earth One Family One Future' as relevant at this summit as it was last year: PM Modi
At the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the disproportionate impact of global crises on the Global South. He urged the G20 to prioritize addressing the food, fuel, and fertilizer shortages affecting thes...
"I would like to say that countries of the Global South are most adversely impacted by the food, fuel and fertilizer crisis caused by global conflicts," he said.
"So our discussions can only be successful when we keep in mind the challenges and priorities of the Global South," he added.
The prime minister made the remarks at the G20 session on 'Social Inclusion and the Fight Against Hunger and Poverty'.
Modi also called for reform of the institutions of global governance.
"And just as we amplified the voice of the Global South by granting permanent membership of G20 to the African Union during the New Delhi summit, we will reform institutions of global governance," he said.
The prime minister said India supports Brazil's initiative for a 'global alliance against hunger and poverty'.
"The people-centric decisions taken at the G20 Summit in New Delhi have been taken forward during Brazil's Presidency," he said.
"It is a matter of great satisfaction that we prioritised SDG (sustainable development goals). We focused on Inclusive development, women-led development, and youth power," he said.
"And gave wings to the hopes and aspirations of the Global South. It is clear that One Earth One Family One Future is as relevant at this summit as it was last year," he added.
The theme of India's G20 presidency is drawn from the ancient Sanskrit text of Maha Upanishad.
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