Railway Board identifies sensitive posts in traffic, commercial departments; limits tenure to 3 years
The Railway Board has limited the tenure to three years for certain sensitive posts in traffic and commercial departments across 17 railway zones. This includes both gazetted and non-gazetted positions, emphasizing integrity in roles such as secre...
"The total tenure of such officers should be limited to three years," it added.
The Board directed similar rotation for non-gazetted staff working (formally or informally) as traffic inspector to PCOM and commercial inspector to PCCM as such officers assist in important matters.
"The non-gazetted staff working (formally or informally) as traffic inspector to Senior Divisional Operation Manager and Commercial Inspector to Dr DCM (Senior Divisional Commercial Manager) who assist in important matters, should also be rotated and the tenure should be limited to three years," the circular said.
"The staff posted as PS to Sr DOM, PS to Sr DCM should also be rotated," it added.
The Board has urged the zonal railways to make necessary changes by April 30, 2025.
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